Floro S. Mabalhin 4th child of Celso A. Mabalhin, Born October 26th, 1956. During his younger years he was a witness to his fathers training, in their Photographic studio with different Martial Arts masters from around Cebu City, who would train with Celso at his request, over traditional club barriers. At 7 years of age Floro began his training with his brothers and sisters Evito, Celso Jr, Tomas and Lucia in Judo, Karate and Jui Jitsu. At 12 years of age with his brothers Celso Jr and Tomas, they participated in local Judo tournaments winning in different categorys. In 1976 with his brother they began training in Escrima and ESKRIBO wherein they demonstrated at NARAPHIL festivals. He eventually received a promotion to 2nd degree black belt in ESKRIDO from the Doce Pares group. During the following years he continued his training, intently with his father and Jesus Cui Sr. With the death of his father he has resumed his interest in the Martial Arts, especially at the bequest of his father, whose dream was for someone to continue his Martial Arts legacy. Floro has formed CAM-MASO (Celso Amora Mabalhin - Martial Arts and Sports Organisation) affiliated to the Doce Pares Federation. Floro S. Mabalhin can be contacted at: 581
Aznar Road, Phone number: (your international code) 63 32 254 0215
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